Recently I’ve been going through Hacker’s Delight. It is a joy to become a “bit-twiddler” and explore some of the counter intuitive properties of using bit wise operations in places you wouldn’t expect them.
Chapter 2 focuses on “Basics”, and covers bit manipulation tricks that perform specific operations. It assumes a 32-bit machine (and word size), with signed values represented in two’s complement form. 1 Some tricks presented include:
Note that these hacks are much more useful than they might appear. The first trick can be used to great effect to count set bits and calculate powers of two, as demonstrated in Brian Kernighan’s algorithm2:
unsigned int v; // count the number of bits set in v
unsigned int c; // c accumulates the total bits set in v
for (c = 0; v; c++)
v &= v - 1; // clear the least significant bit set
These bit wise operations allow for implementations of functions that are branch-free and do not require shift instructions, saving valuable CPU cycles. Additionally, they allow for word-parallelism: if a bit’s value only depends on bits to its right, one can optimize by executing single instructions on multiple data, or SIMDs.
One condition of these optimizations is that they cannot depend on overflow. For example, if performing a SIMD addition on multiple words, carries must be irrelevant to the operation - if they are important, then higher-order word bits depend on lower-order word operations and carry bits, and the addition becomes a sequential computation. Another condition is that the machine must use two’s complement arithmetic.
In 1977, Henry Warren (the author of Hacker’s Delight) published a short paper in an attempt to generalize these sorts of bit twiddling tricks. He proved a theorem on whether or not one can use a coding trick of this class for a given function that they want to optimize. The theorem, as stated in the book (pg. 13), is:
THEOREM. A function mapping words to words can be implemented with word-parallel add, subtract, and, or, and not instructions if and only if each bit of the result depends only on bits at and to the right of each input operand.
This introduces the concept of right-to-left computability: if output bits depend only input operand bits that are located either in the same position or to the right (lower order bits), the function can be optimized with these bit tricks by rewriting it in terms of the five functions that are mentioned, providing the benefits described above.
An example function is then provided to demonstrate what this means. Consider the following operations to compute the third bit of the output ($r_2$):
$$r_2 = x_2 \mid (x_0 \; \& \; y_1)$$
From this, it is clear to see that the output bit $r_2$ does not rely on any
input bit $x_i$ or $y_i$ where $i > 2$. Since it depends only on the bit wise
operations AND
and OR
, the function to calculate $r_2$ is right-to-left
computable. Further examples that are right-to-left computable include
multiplication (a constant number of additions), as well as other Boolean
operations (XOR
, etc.).
An example of a function that is not right-to-left computable is something like $\operatorname{signum}$.
$$ \operatorname{signum}(x) = \left\lbrace\begin{array}{rcl} -1, & x < 0 \\ 0, & x = 0 \\ 1, & x > 0 \\ \end{array}\right. $$
$\operatorname{signum}$ takes a word as input and outputs the sign of that
word: $1$ if positive, $-1$ if negative, and $0$ otherwise. Almost all bits of
the output depend on the leftmost bit of the input. (The exception is the
leftmost bit $r_0$, which depends only on itself - it is $1$ for both 0x1
, and $0$ for 0x0
. The next bit $r_1$ depends on the leftmost bit.)
Another function described in the book is >>
, right shift: you can’t determine
an output bit $r_i$ of a right shift $n$ places without knowing the input bit
to the left of it $(x_{i+n})$.
The book mentions several other functions that are not right-to-left computable without further explanation. One of them is left shift by a variable amount. The intuition is that the variable amount depends on either the whole input or some subset of it, which necessarily includes bits to the right of your output bit. Exercise 2 for the chapter challenges this claim. Courtesy of Donald Knuth3:
$$ x << (x \; \& \; 1) $$
This expression is equivalent to:
$$ x + (x \; \& \; (-(x \; \& \; 1))) $$
The question is: how is this possible? We have an apparent contradiction. Left
shift by a variable amount is not right-to-left computable, but above we have a
variable left shift expressed in terms of AND
, -
, and +
, which implies
that it is right-to-left computable.
Consider the amount we are shifting left by. We shift left by either 0 or 1 bits, depending on the value of $x_0$. Hence, the value of each output bit $r_i$ depends on $x_0$, $x_i$, and $x_{i-1}$. We are shifting left by a variable amount, but that amount depends on the rightmost bit $x_0$, not any other bit in the input.
On the other hand, the expression $x << (x \; \& \; 2)$ is not expressible as a right-to-left computation, as the output bit $r_0$ depends on the input bit $r_1$.
Richard Allen has a blog post, Right to Left
that explores this theorem further. In the latter half of the post (“A
hypothetical machine”), he explores a hypothetical infinite-bit
machine. The machine has registers and instructions. The registers are capable
of storing an infinite number of bits. The instructions are all right-to-left
computable, and are based on the five instructions allowed by Warren: AND
, +
, and -
The construction, since it is not a two’s complement machine (infinite
bit strings), is subtly different from the one used as the basis of Hacker’s
Delight. For instance, what happens when one performs 0 - 1
? In this hypothetical
world, since we are dealing with infinite bit string registers, it makes sense to
consider what happens when we decrement a number. To perform this operation
right-to-left, you flip each zero bit you find until you get to a non-zero bit,
which you make zero.
In two’s complement format, every bit is flipped. On a 32-bit register, this
results in the word 0xffffffff
, which is $-1$ in two’s complement form. With
infinite registers, the same applies, assuming we are able to flip all of the
infinite bits in 0
. However, you will never know the sign of a number, as
you’ll never be able to read its last bit (it is infinite).
However, I had trouble understanding why such a machine was not Turing complete,
as the author claimed. To be a Turing-complete machine, this hypothetical
infinite-bit machine must be able to emulate an arbitrary Turing machine. As
a heuristic for Turing completeness is to try to implement if
and while
loops with your language. For this hypothetical machine, we require some form of
branching to implement this.
General branching is not possible with infinite registers. Consider (as Allen
does) the instruction branch-if-greater-than (JA
on x86). This requires a
comparison of two operands to determine which is greater. With positive values,
this is feasible, but what about negative values? Here, one would have to read
the entire value of the negative register, which is not feasible. What about
infinitely repeating values? Again, there is no obvious solution.
Two that come to mind for me are 1) fixed size comparison and conditional branching instructions and 2) secondary registers to track sign. The first is dismissed in the blog post as “a pretty big hack”. Hypothetically, it could limit what the language recognizes as valid, but it allows for branching in some form, which permits Turing completeness (conjectured without proof here). The second solution works in the case of “rational” registers, but not in the case of infinitely repeating registers.
In either case, it is interesting to consider how deviating from the setup of Hacker’s Delight changes the model of computation. Many of the tricks I’ve read so far rely on either fixed word size or two’s complement representation (or both) to be effective, which makes sense today given these are defaults in modern computers.
For resources on two’s complement, there are many - search the Internet far and wide! Three that I’ve found helpful are Thomas Finley’s introduction, Evan Martin’s quick note, and JF Bastien’s standards proposal for C++20. ↩︎
See the original source for the code, details, and other implementations of counting bits. Sean Anderson’s page is another wonderful resource for bit twiddling. Note that Knuth points out that the method was first published in 1960 by Peter Wegner, and later (independently) by Derrick Lehmer - before K&R used it in the second edition of “The C Programming Language” in 1988. ↩︎
Knuth has a habit of finding his way into many textbooks and stories. To some degree, “all roads lead to Knuth” when it comes to computer science. Some recent examples off the top of my head: